Cobble it together and gobble it up!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Ship ahoy, ya filthy bilge rat!

Mum sent Max some cute little pirate cupcake cases and flags as a little pressie for being a brave boy in the hospital last week, so we made them this afternoon.
We decided to go the whole hog and build a pirate ship in the garden as a surprise for when Ollie came home from school. We fashioned a ship out of 2 garden chairs around one of the strange posts there are in the garden for hanging your washing from. It made a brilliant mast for our jolly roger and our paper sails. We pegged on a couple of pieces of material to make the sides of the boat. We made a steering wheel out of silver foil (which I have recently discovered is a great material to build random props quickly, easily and cheaply) and a telescope from a kitchen roll and foil.

We had great fun, pretending to sink, killing the ticking crocodile, walking with peg legs and going and finding the treasure buried in one of the plant pots! And the mess left around their chops from the black icing on the cakes made great makeshift beards.

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