Cobble it together and gobble it up!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Charlie's birthday cake - Little Charley Bear

Charlie is one tomorrow. I can't believe it. I am feeling enormously bad that we aren't having a big family party to celebrate like we did with the older two but it can't be helped when we are 500miles from our family now! At least my mum will be here as she is coming to visit.
I did still make a special cake. I made a Little Charley Bear cake. This is because the wee one is known almost exclusively as Charlie Bear or variations thereof, i.e. the Bear, Monsieur Le Bear, Little Bear, Baby Bear...
For those that don't know, there is a t.v programme on Cbeebies called Little Charley Bear, narrated by James  Cordon. This is entirely coincidental but very happily so. For Xmas Charlie got a stuffed bear from the brand that says things like "Are you there, Charlie Bear?" and " Aww Charlie, you're my best friend" which he loves.
Little Charley Bear birthday cake
Little Charley Bear Fun Sound Plush Toy

So here it is. I used my fail-safe carrot cake recipe (which is posted somewhere on this blog I am sure). I used one layer as the face and one layer got cut up to make the ears and to raise the nose area. I used the cream cheese icing but put in a mix of black, red, yellow and blue food colourings to get the right shade for the fur. I also had to add more icing sugar to my usual recipe so when I piped it it was just firm enough (but not too firm) to hold the right texture to look like fur.
I melted chocolate for the eyes, inner ears and eyes.

I am really pleased with the results. Think it is one of my better ones! The only trouble is Charlie hates all types of cake (I know - will have to knock that out of him in time!) - fortunately some of my pals  have agreed to help out and come and eat some at coffee tomorrow. At least there will be a party of sorts! I'll give him a lovely big plateful of berries instead - that will make him very very happy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. My daughter's favourite show is Little Charley Bear and I have now (thanks to your great pictures) created a Charley bear cake for her 2nd birthday. I ended up putting some cocoa in the icing to create a good shade of brown.


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