Cobble it together and gobble it up!

Friday 13 January 2012

Homemade Gift 5 - A Barbie clothes storage/wardrobe

I made this for my nieces as well. They are just getting into Barbie's, which were my utter obsession as a child and I am so excited they like them too! I wanted to get them some more clothes and then the thought occurred to me (similarly to the hairclips yesterday) that the Barbie clothes situation causes huge storage issues. I remember from personal experience, that Barbie's 'wardrobe' (in fact I had a Sindy wardrobe) is all but useless - nice to look at but useless to hold clothes. And shoes and accessories all get lost otherwise. i spent ages surfing the net to see if the good people of mattel had come up with a solution. But they don't seem to have.
So I came up with this solution. I found a fold out storage (the type you use for screws etc) box in my local pound shop and thought the compartments would be great for the bits and bobs, and the base bit big enough to hold a decent amount of clothes.
It was plain and utilitarian looking so I got some pretty sticky back plastic and lined the compartments and then spent a while cutting out decorations for the front. 

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