Cobble it together and gobble it up!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Castle den

The boys are constantly taking all the cushions of the table and grabbing all the throws and blankets to make some sort of den, play house or camp. And it drives me a bit crazy. I wouldn't mind but it is literally every day. So, inspired by something I saw here, I decided to make them something which might mean my sofa stays together more often.
They are crazy about playing knights and dragons (wearing the dinosaur tails I made them) so I thought I would make it a castle theme.

There are loads of wendy houses on the market but I always thought they just took up too much space, were too expensive or a bit flimsy, but this solution is brilliant. You make it to fit over your table! Perfect - no extra space, nice and sturdy and super cheap (and easy) to make in an afternoon!
You will need;
A kingsize flat sheet (or table cloth or large piece of material)
Scraps of material
Pins, Needle, Thread
A sewing machine

I bought a flat, kingsize sheet in grey from Asda's (for just £8), flung it over the table and pinned it together so it fitted around the table (but not too tight). I did have to use some of the off cuts from the corners to make one side long enough but it was easy enough. I then ran it through the sewing machine.
I then used the rest of the off cuts to make 2 little turrets which I stuffed with some cushion stuffing I had left over from the dinosaur tails. I cut a door shape from an old brown towel I had knocking around, pinned and then sewed it on to one side and then cut one straight line up it to create an entry way.
I used Ollie's old school sweatshirt to cut 2 castle window shapes, which I pinned on and then hand sewed. I then cut out the window slot. Because of the window shape the window holds it's shape quite well. If you do a traditional square it would need some dowel or cane in it to support the shape and stop it sagging.

And that is it! I even got to play at being a princess. It seems you don't have to have girls to be able to play princesses!
You could do all sorts of designs, shops, circus tent, army camp, school, house. I am trying to think of another design for the other side so you get 2 for the price of 1.
Or maybe I'll just buy another sheet, it's not like it takes up much space!

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