Cobble it together and gobble it up!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Pizza Flavour Popcorn

We have got into a tradition of letting the boys stay up late on a Saturday night to watch Strictly Come Dancing and when they do they are allowed some popcorn. We usually use the microwave popcorn bags in either butter or sweet flavours, but this week we had run out and so I found a quite ancient (though still usable) bag of popping corn and we did it ourselves.
The boys were amazed and in awe when they watched the corn pinging and transforming in the hot oil, it was much more fun than putting it in the microwave and we will be doing it this way every week from now on. It is also about 10% of the price and just as clean and easy really.
The other major benefit is we can use our imagination and try all sorts of different flavourings. Some of us don't like sweet popcorn (another benefit is having control over how much sugar goes on the sweet bowl) and I didn't have any butter. I didn't want to use salt so instead I sprinkled over some dried oregano and it smelt so pizza-ry that I rolled with the idea and added some grated parmesan and then some tomato puree diluted in a small amount of olive oil, and some black pepper.
And it was great! A revolution in popcorn flavourings has begun! I would say stay tuned for more ideas next week but we all liked this flavour so much it may be a bit longer before we can stray from it to try something new.

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